WCSD — Moving Up

Wayne County School District

Did You Know?

Is a "B" rated school district based on 2022-2023 MDE Accountability Ratings and missed out on being a "A" district by only 23 points.

Has two schools — Buckatunna and WCHS— that earned "A" ratings in 2021-2022

Has made major improvements on all of the campuses with window projects improving the look of the buildings, new heating and cooling systems being installed and more improvements and upgrades being planned.

WCSD has 3 National Board Certified Teachers

WCSD has 8 Speech Therapists wtih National Board Certifications

The Wayne County Career and Technical Center saw 19 students earn half-tuition scholarships and 19 full-tuition scholarships to Jones College in May 2022.

In 2002-2023 saw 92 students earn their National Career Readiness Certification

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